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Foreword (PDF)
Contents (PDF)
Participants (PDF)
Authors index (PDF)
The whole book (PDF, 50 Mo)
Contributions by sessions:
SF2A --- Session pl\'eni\`ere (S00)
La complexit\'e mol\'eculaire dans le milieu interstellaire (S01)
Caract\'erisation des syst\`emes des plan\`etes g\'eantes (S02)
Ondes gravitationnelles (S03)
LUVOIR, un observatoire spatial pour le NASA Decadal Survey (S04)
Atelier g\'en\'eral du PNPS (PNPS Workshop) (S05)
Habitabilit\'e et conditions d'apparition de la vie (S06)
Atelier g\'en\'eral PNHE (PNHE workshop) (S07)
Les grands sondages spectroscopiques pour la cosmologie (S08)
D\'efis ASHRA et actions en cours du VTL \`a l'ELT (S09)
SKA, son \'eclaireur fran\c cais NenuFAR et les pr\'ecurseurs (S10)
Etoiles massives: de la formation aux stades ultimes, un \'etat des lieux des recherches en France (S11)
Synergie des grands surveys pour comprendre les \'etoiles : piliers de l'arch\'eologie galactique (S12)
Quatri\`eme r\'eunion des utilisateurs des t\'elescopes fran\c cais (TBL/OHP193) (S13)
Relev\'es photom\'etriques grand champ (S14)
Collaborations amateurs professionnels (S15)
Plasmas de l'h\'eliosph\`ere (Plasmas of the heliosphere) (S16)
Caract\'erisation \'etoiles-plan\`etes : les promesses du futur (S17)
SF2A --- Session plénière (S00)
"Overview of the European Extremely Large Telescope and its instrument suite", B. Neichel, D. Mouillet, E. Gendron, C. Correia, J. F. Sauvage, and T. Fusco
"An action to promote gender diversity in science: ``Sciences, un métier de femmes!"", I. Vauglin, and S. Thiault
La complexité moléculaire dans le milieu interstellaire (S01)
"Complex organic molecules and interstellar ices: recent progresses from laboratory astrophysics", J.-H. Fillion, M. Bertin, G. Danger, F. Duvernay, and M. Minissale
"Molecular complexity in the star forming region W43-MM1", J. Molet, N. Brouillet, T. Nony, F. Motte, A. Gusdorf, D. Despois, F. Louvet, S. Bontemps, and F. Herpin
"Velocity gradients of giant molecular clouds at galactic scales", S. Khoperskov, and E. Vasiliev
Caractérisation des systèmes des planètes géantes (S02)
"Analysis of HST, VLT and Gemini coordinated observations of Uranus late 2017 : a multi-spectral search for auroral signatures", L. Lamy, C. Berland, N. André, R. Prangé, T. Fouchet, T. Encrenaz, E. Gendron, X. Haubois, C. Tao, and T. Kim
"Tidal dissipation in deep oceanic shells: from telluric planets to icy satellites", P. Auclair-Desrotour, S. Mathis, J. Laskar, and J. Leconte
"Consequences of semidiurnal thermal tides on hot Jupiters zonal mean flows", P. Auclair-Desrotour, and J. Leconte
"``IMPACTS": Impacting Meteoroids in giant Planet Atmospheres CharacTerization Survey", K. Baillié
Ondes gravitationnelles (S03)
"Ultra-dense matter in neutrons stars: existing constraints and prospects", M. Oertel
"The preparation of LISA data analysis with imperfect measurements: dealing with instrumental transients", Q. Baghi, J. Slutsky, J. I. Thorpe, N. Korsakova, N. Karnesis, and A. Petiteau
LUVOIR, un observatoire spatial pour le NASA Decadal Survey (S04)
"POLLUX, a high-resolution UV spectropolarimeter for LUVOIR", J.-C. Bouret, E. Muslimov, C. Neiner, M. Le Gal, A. Lopez Ariste, and M. Ferrari
"UV Polarimeters for Pollux onboard LUVOIR", M. Le Gal, A. L'opez Ariste, M. Pertenais, and C. Neiner
"Probing the structure and evolution of active galactic nuclei with the ultraviolet polarimeter POLLUX aboard LUVOIR", F. Marin, S. Charlot, D. Hutsemékers, B. Agís González, D. Sluse, A. Labiano, L. Grosset, C. Neiner, and J.-C. Bouret
"ISM science with POLLUX", V. Lebouteiller, and C. Gry
"Massive stars with Pollux on LUVOIR", C. Neiner, J.-C. Bouret, and C. Evans
Atelier général du PNPS (PNPS Workshop) (S05)
"The multiple stellar populations of globular clusters in Early-type galaxies", W. Chantereau, C. Usher, and N. Bastian
"Gravity darkening in late-type stars", R. Raynaud, M. Rieutord, L. Petitdemange, T. Gastine, and B. Putigny
"F.S.I.: Flyby Scene Investigation", N. Cuello, G. Dipierro, D. Mentiplay, D. J. Price, C. Pinte, J. Cuadra, G. Laibe, F. Ménard, P.P. Poblete, and M. Montesinos
"Building the Minimum Mass solar Nebula", K. Baillié
"Characterization of SB1 detected in the Gaia-ESO Survey iDR5", T. Merle, M. Van der Swaelmen, S. Van Eck, A. Jorissen, and T. Zwitter
"Waves in the radiative zones of rotating, magnetized stars", A. Valade, V. Prat, S. Mathis, and K. Augustson
"Multi-body figures of equilibrium in axial symmetry", B. Boutin-Basillais, and J.-M. Huré
"Perturbations of Stellar Oscillations: a General Magnetic Field", K. C. Augustson, and S. Mathis
"Gaia-ESO Survey: Hot stars in Carina Nebula", A. Blazère, and E. Goset
"Flaring activity on the disk of Classical T Tauri Stars: effects on disk stability", S. Colombo, S. Orlando, G. Peres, F. Reale, C. Argiroffi, R. Bonito, L. Ibgui, and C. Stehlé
"FliPer: Classifying TESS pulsating stars", L. Bugnet, R. A. Garc'ia, G. R. Davies, S. Mathur, O. J. Hall, and B. M. Rendle
"Stellar-model-independent measurements of gamma Doradus and SPB internal rotation from gravity oscillation modes.", S. Christophe, R.-M. Ouazzani, J. Ballot, J.P. Marques, M.-J. Goupil, V. Antoci, and S.J.A.J. Salmon
"Penetration of Rotating Convection", K. C. Augustson, and S. Mathis
"Radiative hydrodynamic models of accretion streams in Classical T Tauri Stars", S. Colombo, L. Ibgui, S. Orlando, R. Rodriguez, M. González, C. Stehlé, and L. de Sa
"The effects of rotation on wave-induced transport in stars: from weakly to strongly stratified radiative zones", Q. André, S. Mathis, and L. Amard
"The Belgian Repository of fundamental Atomic data and Stellar Spectra (BRASS)", T. Merle, M. Laverick, P. Royer, M. Van der Swaelmen, Y. Frémat, S. Sekaran, C. Martayan, P.A.M. van Hoof, M. David, H. Hensberge, et al.
"Back-reaction of dust on gas in protoplanetary discs: crucial, yet often overlooked", J.-F. Gonzalez, G. Laibe, and S. T. Maddison
"Supermodulation of the solar cycle", R. Raynaud, and S. M. Tobias
"Exotic circumbinary discs in misaligned systems", A. Rocher, and N. Cuello
"Deep learning determination of stellar atmospheric fundamental parameters", R. Kou, P. Petit, F. Paletou, L. Kulenthirarajah, and J.-M. Glorian
"Exotic Tatooines in misaligned circumbinary discs", N. Cuello, and C. A. Giuppone
"Line identifications in the spectrum of chi Lupi A", R. Monier, and T. Kiliçoglu
"Line synthesis of several chemical elements from Carbon to Bismuth in the spectrum of HD72660", A. Lemonnier, and R. Monier
"The GENESIS project", N. Schneider, R. Simon, S. Bontemps, A. Roy, L. Bonne, H. Yahia, and G. Attuel
"Elemental abundances of HD 87240, member of the young open cluster NGC 3114", V.Wellenreiter, R.Monier, and L.Fossati
"Detection and characterisation of double-lined spectroscopic binaries in the Gaia-ESO survey", M. Van der Swaelmen, T. Merle, S. Van Eck, and A. Jorissen
Habitabilité et conditions d'apparition de la vie (S06)
"Constraining the environment and habitability of TRAPPIST-1", E. Bolmont
"Tidal heating in multilayer planets :
Application to the TRAPPIST-1 system", S. Breton, E. Bolmont, G. Tobie, S. Mathis, and O. Grasset
Atelier général PNHE (PNHE workshop) (S07)
"Source associations for the upcoming 4FGL
", B. Lott, J. Ballet, T. Burnett, and S. Digel
"A Catalog Pipeline for Sources in the CTA Galactic Plane Survey", J. Cardenzana
"Gamma loud NLS1s: a low scale version of FSRQs?", C. Boisson
"Detection capability of Ultra-Long Gamma-Ray Bursts with the ECLAIRs telescope aboard the SVOM mission", N. Dagoneau, S. Schanne, A. Gros, and B. Cordier
"High energy spectral study of the black hole Cygnus X-1 with INTEGRAL", F. Cangemi, J. Rodriguez, V. Grinberg, P. Laurent, and J. Wilms
"The Long Outburst of the Black Hole Transient GRS 1716--249", T. Bassi, M. Del Santo, A. D'Aì, S.E. Motta, J. Malzac, A. Segreto, J.C.A. Miller-Jones, P. Atri, R.M. Plotkin, T.M. Belloni, et al.
"Faint Gamma-ray Pulsars", D.A. Smith, and for the Fermi-LAT collaboration
"Livin' on the edge: the RWI in the Kerr metric", P. Varniere, F. H. Vincent, and F. Casse
"NOVAs: a Numerical Observatory of Violent Accreting systems", P. Varniere, F. Casse, and F. H. Vincent
"Gammas and neutrinos from TXS 0506+056", M. Cerruti, A. Zech, C. Boisson, G. Emery, S. Inoue, and J.-P. Lenain
"Multi-scale three-dimensional visualization of emission, scattering and absorption in active galactic nuclei using Virtual Observatories tools", F. Marin, J. Desroziers, and A. Schaaff
Les grands sondages spectroscopiques pour la cosmologie (S08)
"The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS): The super-solar metallicity measured for massive passive galaxies", M. Siudek, K. Malek, and A. Pollo
"Clustering analysis with the SDSS-IV DR14 quasar sample: cosmic distances and growth rate of structures at z_rm eff=1.52", P. Zarrouk, and E. Burtin
"Beyond the power spectrum with large deviation theory", S. Codis
"Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer: Large Spectroscopic Surveys of Faint Galaxies", L. Tresse
Défis ASHRA et actions en cours du VTL à l'ELT (S09)
"Formation and evolution of galaxies with the ELT and MOSAIC", M. Puech
"Development of the adaptive optics testbed LOOPS for Fourier-based wavefront sensors demonstration and analysis", P. Janin-Potiron, B. Neichel, and T. Fusco
"Single-mode fiber coupling for satellite-to-ground telecommunication links corrected by adaptive optics", C. B. Lim, C. Petit, K. Saab, B. Fleury, F. Mendez, J. Montri, N. Védrenne, and V. Michau
"The Segmented Pupil Experiment for Exoplanet Detection (SPEED). Advances and first light with segments cophasing", P. Janin-Potiron, P. Martinez, M. Beaulieu, C. Gouvret, J. Dejonghe, A. Spang, M. Postnikova, O. Preis, L. Abe, A. Marcotto, et al.
SKA, son éclaireur franc cais NenuFAR et les précurseurs (S10)
"Probing gas reservoirs in galaxies throughout the history of the Universe", J. Freundlich
"The Galactic interstellar medium in the radio: prospects for
the SKA", M.I.R. Alves
"Pulsar observations with NenuFAR", L. Bondonneau, J-M. Griessmeier, G. Theureau, and I. Cognard
"Accurate beam modeling using sparse representations of VLA holography measurements", J. N. Girard, K. Iheanetu, O. M. Smirnov, K. M. B. Asad, M. de Villiers, K. Thorat, S. Makhathini, and R. Perley
Etoiles massives: de la formation aux stades ultimes, un état des lieux des recherches en France (S11)
"Review on high-mass star formation", F. Louvet
"The magnetic field of evolved hot stars", C. Neiner, A. Martin, G. Wade, and M. Oksala
"Gaia-ESO Survey: Hot stars in Carina Nebula", A. Blazère, and E. Goset
"Precursors of core-collapse supernovae and long-soft gamma-ray bursts: predictions of stellar evolution", F. Martins
"Characterizing the photospheric convection of red supergiant stars at high angular resolution", M. Montargès, R. Norris, B. Tessore, A. López Ariste, A. Chiavassa, and A. Lèbre
"Future Instrumentation", J.-C. Bouret
Synergie des grands surveys pour comprendre les étoiles : piliers de l'archéologie galactique (S12)
"Dust and star distribution in the Milky Way disk", C. Hottier, C. Babusiaux, F. Arenou, and C. Danielski
"Unravelling the luminosity distribution of IC 4665", N. Miret-Roig, H. Bouy, and J. Olivares
"Communicate with flags!", M. Van der Swaelmen, S. Van Eck, A. Gonneau, C. Worley, T. Merle, and A. Hourihane
Quatrième réunion des utilisateurs des télescopes franc cais (TBL/OHP193) (S13)
"The MISTRAL spectrograph at OHP", C. Adami, S. Basa, J.C. Brunel, V. Buat, N. Clerc, M. Dennefeld, F. Dolon, A. Le van Suu, F. Moreau, S. Perruchot, et al.
"The impact of kinematics on the star formation process of galaxies", J. A. Gómez-López, A. Boselli, P. Amram, M. Rosado, B. Epinat, M. Marcelin, M. Sánchez-Cruces, and M. Mu noz
"Magneto-asteroseismic study of iota Lib", B. Buysschaert, C. Neiner, C. Aerts, T.R. White, and B.J.S. Pope
"The variable sky in the multi-messenger era: a challenge for OHP", M. Dennefeld
Relevés photométriques grand champ (S14)
"VESTIGE: A Virgo Environmental Survey Tracing Ionised Gas Emission", A. Boselli
"Identifying contaminants in astronomical images using convolutional neural networks", M. Paillassa, E. Bertin, and H. Bouy
"Presenting DAWIS : Detection Algorithm with Wavelets for Intra-cluster light Surveys", A. Ellien, F. Durret, C. Adami, and N. Martinet
Collaborations amateurs professionnels (S15)
"Introduction to the Pro-Am collaboration workshop
status of the collaborations", T. Midavaine
"Astrophysique de très haute précision par des
le cas d'une binaire spectroscopique éclipsante", D. Antao, D. Brégou, V. Pic, and D. Valls-Gabaud
"Vérification en amateurs de la loi de Lema^itre-Hubble", D. Antao, D. Bregou, G. Arlic, and A. Belmonte
"Lightcurves of asteroids: spin, 3-D shape, density", B. Carry, S. Fauvaud, A. Marciniak, and R. Behrend
"42 ans d'observation Pro-Am des phénomènes mutuels des satellites galiléens", J.E. Arlot
"Les projets Pro-Am à la méridienne du Château d'Abbadia", J. E. Arlot, P. Beauchamp, S. Garcia, and S. Ibarboure
"Collaborations pro-am en photométrie sur les étoiles de types binaires à éclipses", L. Corp
"Professional-amateur collaborations extent in planetary science", M. Delcroix
"Planetary nebulae discovered and confirmed by amateur astronomers", P. Le Dû, Q.A. Parker, O. Garde, T. Demange, R. Galli, T. Petit, J. P. Cales, S. Chareyre, L. Ferrero, L. Huet, et al.
"Investigating the spectroscopic, magnetic and circumstellar variability of HD 57682", B. Mauclaire, and J. H. Grunhut
"Atmospheric dynamics and shock waves in the pulsating star RR Lyr", B. Mauclaire, and P. Mathias
"The BeSS database: a fruitful professional-amateur collaboration", C. Neiner
"Follow up of the Gaia Alerts", W. Thuillot, and M. Dennefeld
Plasmas de l'héliosphère (Plasmas of the heliosphere) (S16)
"The multi fluid description of the chromospheric motions", A. Tkachenko, S. Shelyag, V. Krasnosselskikh, and L. Le Phuong
Caractérisation étoiles-planètes : les promesses du futur (S17)
"Gaia: Stellar physics and characterization of host stars", C. Reylé
"The characterisation of exoplanetary systems with high angular resolution", R. Ligi
"Mass, radius, and composition of the transiting planet 55 Cnc e :
using interferometry and correlations", A. Crida, R. Ligi, C. Dorn, and Y. Lebreton
"Main uncertainties in characterizing
planet host main sequence solar -like oscillating stars", M.J. Goupil
"Does magnetic field modify tidal dynamics in the convective envelope of Solar mass stars?", A. Astoul, S. Mathis, C. Baruteau, F. Gallet, K. C. Augustson, E. Bolmont, A. S. Brun, and A. Strugarek
"The limit of the gyrochronology - A new age determination technique: the tidal-chronology", F. Gallet, and P. Delorme