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Foreword (PDF)
Contents (PDF)
Participants (PDF)
Authors index (PDF)
The whole book (PDF, 155 Mo)
Contributions by sessions:
SF2A --- Plenary session (S0)
Atelier général du PNP (S1)
Atelier général du PCMI (S2)
Atelier général du PNHE (S3)
Demain l'ELT! Quelle science dans quel contexte dans les années 2030 (S4)
Atelier général ASHRA: bilan et prospective de l'interférométrie optique (S5)
Atelier général du PNPS (S6)
Atelier général de l'AS SKA: SKA, son éclaireur français NénuFAR, et ses précurseurs (S7)
Atelier général du PNST: le soleil et l'héliosphère (S8)
Atelier général du PNCG: machine learning for the study of galaxies and cosmology (S9)
Inégalités femmes/hommes en astronomie (S10)
Cinquième réunion des utilisateurs des télescopes français (S12)
Atelier collaboration Amateurs-Professionels (S13)
Transition environnementale : quel rôle pour la communauté astronomique? (S14)
Photonic technologies for astronomy: manipulating light at fundamental scales (S15)
Détecter et caractériser des exoplanètes en présence d'activité stellaire (S16)
Des galaxies à la toile cosmique : baryons et matière noire (S17)
Fast radio bursts : Atouts et perspectives pour la communauté (S18)
L'observatoire dans son environnement social (S20)
Quel futur pour le patrimoine astronomique français? (S22)
Relevés photométriques grand champ II (S23)
Stellar multiplicity / Multiplicité stellaire (S24)
Simuler la formation des galaxies et de leurs étoiles (S25)
Magnétosphères (exo-)planétaires comparées (S26)
SF2A --- Plenary session (S0)
"Astrophysics in Africa for Development", D. Baratoux, the AFIPS, and RISE 5A and MATERNA teams
"Open access to scientific data: excerpts from the INSU prospective", C. Bot, F. André, M. Allen, F. Bonnarel, A. Chambodut, S. Galle, F. Genova, M. Gérin-Laslier, F. Huynh, H. Pedersen, et al.
"The Great Dimming of Betelgeuse as seen by the VLT/VLTI", M. Montargès, E. Cannon, E. Lagadec, A. de Koter, P. Kervella, J. Sanchez-Bermudez, C. Paladini, F. Cantalloube, L. Decin, P. Scicluna, et al.
"Provenance of astronomical data", M. Servillat
"Pulsar Timing Arrays and gravitational waves :
the first steps towards detection?", G. Theureau, S. Babak, A. Berthereau, A. Chalumeau, S. Chen, I. Cognard, M. Falxa, L. Guillemot, and A. Petiteau
"CMB in (relative) tension", M. Tristram
"Well-being in French astrophysics", N. A. Webb, C. Bot, S. Charpinet, T. Contini, L. Jouve, F. Koliopanos, A. Lamberts, H. Meheut, S. Mei, I. Ristorcelli, et al.
Atelier général du PNP (S1)
"Evidence for scalloped terrains on 67P", A.Bouquety, O. Groussin, L. Jorda, A. Séjourné, F. Costard, and S. Bouley
"Molecular hydrogen in CO_2-dominated atmospheres of terrestrial exoplanets : impact on the photochemical formation of water", T. Drant, N. Carrasco, Z. Perrin, L. Vettier, S.-M. Tsai, and K. Heng
"A new generation of statistical methods for exoplanet detection with radial velocity", N. C. Hara
"Dust grains shattering in protoplanetary discs: collisional fragmentation or rotational disruption?", S. Michoulier, and J.-F. Gonzalez
"An atmospheric origin for a HCN-derived polymer on Titan", Z. Perrin, N. Carrasco, A. Chatain, L. Jovanovic, N. Ruscassier, L. Vettier, and G. Cernogora
"The NAROO digitization center", V. Robert, J. Desmars, A.-C. Perlbarg, V. Lainey, and J.-E. Arlot
Atelier général du PCMI (S2)
"Experimental study of X-ray photon-induced desorption from methanol containing ices and its astrophysical implications", R. Basalgète, R. Dupuy, G. Féraud, C. Romanzin, X. Michaut, L. Philippe, J. Michoud, L. Amiaud, A. Lafosse, J-H. Fillion, et al.
"Astrochemistry during the Class I phase: the protostellar heritage", E. Bianchi
"Constraining the dust grain alignment mechanism(s) responsible for the (sub-)millimeter dust polarization observed in Class 0 protostellar cores", V. J. M. Le Gouellec, A. J. Maury, and C. L. H. Hull
"Dynamical effects of the radiative stellar feedback on the H/H_2 transition", V. Maillard, E. Bron, and F. Le Petit
"Investigating the interstellar medium structure and porosity to ionizing photons in local primitive galaxies", L. Ramambason, and V. Lebouteiller
"The formation and evolution of dense filaments and ridges", L. Bonne, S. Bontemps, N. Schneider, S. D. Clarke, D. Arzoumanian, R. Simon, Y. Fukui, K. Tachihara, T. Csengeri, R. Guesten, et al.
"Scattering transforms for interstellar astrophysics and beyond", F. Levrier, E. Allys, B. Régaldo-Saint Blancard, F. Boulanger, N. Jeffrey, S. Zhang, E. Bellomi, C. Colling, T. Marchand, S. Mallat, et al.
"Hierarchy of clumps fragments : a den for the formation of local star-clusters using a graph theory-based approach", B. Thomasson, I. Joncour, and E. Moraux
Atelier général du PNHE (S3)
"Multi-wavelength probes of the Fermi GeV excess", J. Berteaud, F. Calore, and M. Clavel
"Dipolar magnetic fields in binaries and gravitational waves", A. Bourgoin, C. Le Poncin-Lafitte, S. Mathis, and M.-C. Angonin
"COMCUBE: A constellation of CubeSats to measure the GRB prompt emission polarization", A. Laviron, I. Cojocari, N. de Séréville, G. Fernandez, C. Hamadache, L. Hanlon, P. Laurent, J. Lommler, S. McBreen, A. Morselli, et al.
"The best broths are cooked in the oldest pans: revisiting the archival HST/FOC observations of quasars", F. Marin, T. Barnouin, and E. Lopez-Rodriguez
"A Possible Instability Origin for the Flares in Sagittarius A*: Linking Simulations and Observations", R. Mignon-Risse, N. Aimar, P. Varniere, F. Casse, and F. Vincent
"A multi-wavelength study of the transient sky", E. Quintin, and N.A. Webb
"Mining the high-energy Universe: a probabilistic, interpretable classification of X-ray sources for large X-ray surveys", H. Tranin
Demain l'ELT! Quelle science dans quel contexte dans les années 2030 (S4)
"LISA and synergies with ELT", M. Volonteri
"Submilliarcsecond astrometry of exoplanets and brown dwarfs in high-contrast imaging", A.-L. Maire, M. Langlois, P. Delorme, G. Chauvin, R. Gratton, and A. Vigan
Atelier général ASHRA: bilan et prospective de l'interférométrie optique (S5)
"Halpha imaging of protoplanets with the spectro-interferometer FIRST at the Subaru Telescope", M. Lallement, E. Huby, S. Lacour, K. Barjot, S. Vievard, N. Cvetojevic, V. Deo, O. Guyon, T. Kotani, F. Marchis, et al.
"A new longitudinal dispersion compensator for observing at low spectral resolution from 0.55 to 2.45 micrometers at CHARA array", C. Pannetier, D. Mourard, and F. Cassaing
Atelier général du PNPS (S6)
"Nonlinear simulations of tides in the convective envelopes of low-mass stars and giant gaseous planets", A. Astoul, and A. J. Barker
"Gas and dust emission of a protoplanetary disc with an eccentric Jupiter inside a cavity", C. Baruteau, G. Wafflard-Fernandez, R. Le Gal, F. Debras, A. Carmona, A. Fuente, and P. Rivière-Marichalar
"Lithium abundance dispersion in metal-poor stars", M. Deal, O. Richard, and S. Vauclair
"Observational Appearance of Circumbinary Discs", K. Hirsh, and J.-F. Gonzalez
"MOBSTER: Magneto-asteroseismology of hot stars with TESS", C. Neiner, J. Labadie-Bartz, C. Catala, K. Bernhard, D. M. Bowman, A. David-Uraz, S. Hümmerich, E. Paunzen, and M. E. Shultz
"Probing core overshooting using subgiant asteroseismology", A. Noll, S. Deheuvels, and J. Ballot
"Amplitude of the plume-induced solar gravity modes: implications regarding their detection", C. Pinçon
"The dipper star population of Taurus seen with K2", N. Roggero, J. Bouvier, L. M. Rebull, and A. M. Cody
"Scattering properties of dust in planet-forming disks: First results from a microwave analogy experiment", V. Tobon Valencia, F. Ménard, A. Litman, J.-M. Geffrin, H. Tortel, and J. Milli
"Electron thermal escape inside the Sun", V. Bommier
"Seismic diagnosis for rapidly rotating rm g-mode upper-main-sequence pulsators:
the combined effects of the centrifugal acceleration and differential rotation", H. Dhouib, V. Prat, T. Van Reeth, and S. Mathis
"Characterizing the stellar-substellar limit: a step towards a better understanding of the ultra-cool dwarfs revealed by Gaia", A. Ficot, C. Reylé, N. Lagarde, R. L. Smart, and A. J. Burgasser
"Zeeman Doppler Imaging of two hot stars", L.L. Fréour, C. Neiner, and C.P. Folsom
"The Ca sc ii resonance doublet and H_alpha fluxes as a
function of stellar radius: Indications for a transition in dynamo modes
between 0.500R_odot and 0.330R_odot.", E.R. Houdebine
"Properties of the ionisation glitch: insights from an ionisation region modelling", P. S. Houdayer, D. R. Reese, M.-J. Goupil, and Y. Lebreton
"tt tessipack: An interactive python-based tool to find stellar variability from TESS FFIs.", D. B. Palakkatharappil, and O. L. Creevey
Atelier général de l'AS SKA: SKA, son éclaireur français NénuFAR, et ses précurseurs (S7)
"Science with SKA", F. Combes
"The early stage of Solar-type protostars: the missing evidence of large carbon chains", E. Bianchi, C.Ceccarelli, B. McGuire, A. Remijan, C. Codella, P. Caselli, N. Balucani, S. Spezzano, and E. Herbst
"Future developments and energy management: an analog point of view", B. Censier, and S. Bosse
"Exploring the Cosmic Dawn with NenuFAR", F.G. Mertens, B. Semelin, and L.V.E. Koopmans
Atelier général du PNST: le soleil et l'héliosphère (S8)
"Solar-cycle variations of internetwork magnetic fields", M. Faurobert, and G. Ricort
"Spectral evolution of Alfvénic turbulence", R. Grappin, A. Verdini, and W.-C. Müller
"How will solar magnetism evolve?", Q. Noraz, S. Brun, and A. Strugarek
"Adding a transition region in global MHD models of the solar corona", V. Réville, S. Parenti, A. S. Brun, A. Strugarek, A. P. Rouillard, M. Velli, B. Perri, and R. F. Pinto
"Study of the upper ionosphere during three intense storms March 17-18, June 22-23, October 7-8, 2015 using data from Swarm satellites", K. Zyane, A.Bounhir, and Z.Benkhaldoune
"Predicting the height of the solar cycle 25 through polar regions activity
", S. Koutchmy, E. Tavabi, J.-C. Noëns, O. Wurmser, and B. Filippov
"Interhemispheric asymmetry of the equatorial ionization anomaly in the African sector over 3 years", A. Loutfi, F. Pitout, and A. Bounhir
"The NAROO digitization center", V. Robert, J. Desmars, A.-C. Perlbarg, V. Lainey, J.-E. Arlot, and J. Aboudarham
Atelier général du PNCG: machine learning for the study of galaxies and cosmology (S9)
"Unsupervised classification of CIGALE galaxy spectra", J. Dubois, D. Fraix-Burnet, J. Moultaka, D. Burgarella, and P. Sharma
"Classification of Cosmological models from the internal properties of DM Halos by using MAchine Learning", R. Koskas, and J. M. Alimi
Inégalités femmes/hommes en astronomie (S10)
"Impact of the covid-19 crisis on the french astronomy community", L. Leboulleux, F. Cantalloube, É. Choquet, E. Huby, and G. Singh
"Women's history in astronomy or feminine history of astronomy: much unknown contributions", I. Vauglin
"Gender in permanent recruitment in astronomy in France", O. Suarez
Cinquième réunion des utilisateurs des télescopes français (S12)
"TBL Directors' Report", R. Cabanac, and P. Mathias
"HD207897 b: A dense sub-Neptune transiting a nearby and bright K-type star", N.Heidari, I. Boisse, SOPHIE team, and others
"The Magnetic Evolution of Young Suns", S. C. Marsden, C. Neiner, I. and A. Millburn
"High precision abundances of FGK stars with (Neo)NARVAL", L. Casamiquela, C. Soubiran, and Y. Tarricq
Atelier collaboration Amateurs-Professionels (S13)
"Jupiter and Saturn impact detection project an example of a collaborative amateur-professional project", M. Delcroix, R. Hueso, and Impact Team
"Atelier ETN - Workshop Virtual - HUB Spain and Portugal 15-05-2021", S. García Marín, J. Álvaro, I. Garate Lopez, G. Gilli, R. Hueso, A. Leroy, and I. Ordóñez Etxeberria
"Polarimetric Coronagraphy to record the initiation of CMEs", S. Koutchmy, F. Sèvre, S. Rochain, J.-C. Noëns, and F. Pitout
"Making adaptive optics available to all: a concept for 1m-class telescopes.", O. Lai, S. Kuiper, N. Doelman, M. Chun, D. Schmidt, F. Martinache, M. Carbillet, M. N'Diaye, and J.--P. Rivet
"First results of the analysis of some spectra of the amateur scientific programme of the Observers Associated with the Bernard Lyot Telescope", A. Lekic, Q. Barussaud, O. Fayet, H. Holland, H. Quénéa, G. Le Faou, T. Guitton, L. Capitaine, C. Gac, F. Bellière, et al.
"2021 GEMINI table of the Amateur Professional Collaborations", T. Midavaine
Transition environnementale : quel rôle pour la communauté astronomique? (S14)
"Astronomers for Planet Earth: forging a sustainable future", F. Cantalloube, L. Burtscher, and the Astronomers for Planet Earth collective
"Exponential and Fermi's paradox: limits to growth", A. Crida
"CarbonFreeConf: Mitigate the carbon emissions of academics using carbon-neutral virtual platforms", Q. Kral
Photonic technologies for astronomy: manipulating light at fundamental scales (S15)
"V8: An 8 beam mid-infrared heterodyne instrument concept for the VLTI", J.-P. Berger, G. Bourdarot, and H. Guillet de Chatellus
"V8 concept and photonic correlation for mid-infrared interferometry", G.Bourdarot, J.-P. Berger, and H. Guillet de Chatellus
"Revival of intensity interferometry with modern photonic technologies", W. Guerin, J.-P. Rivet, M. Hugbart, F. Vakili, E. S. G. de Almeida, A. Domiciano de Souza, G. Labeyrie, N. Matthews, O. Lai, P.-M. Gori, et al.
"Spectral multiplexing in Intensity Interferometry", O. Lai, G. Labeyrie, W. Guerin, F. Vakili, R. Kaiser, J.--P. Rivet, M. Hugbart, N. Matthews, J. Chabé, C. Courde, et al.
"The Hi-5 nulling instrument and SCIFYsim: an end-to-end simulator
for integrated optics beam combiners", R. Laugier, D. Defrère, and A. Bigioli
"Revealing new worlds from darkness: GLINT", M.-A. Martinod
Détecter et caractériser des exoplanètes en présence d'activité stellaire (S16)
"Stellar magnetic activity of solar-like stars along their evolution: impact on exoplanet habitability", S. Mathur
"Characterising the interior structures and atmospheres of multiplanetary systems", L. Acuña, T. Lopez, M. Deleuil, O. Mousis, E. Marcq, T. Morel, and A. Santerne
"Rotational and orbital evolution of star-planet systems. Impact of tidal and magnetic torques.", J. Ahuir, A. Strugarek, A. S. Brun, and S. Mathis
"Analysing Kepler stellar surface rotation and activity with ROOSTER", S. N. Breton, A. R. G. Santos, S. Mathur, R. A. Garc'ia, L. Bugnet, and P. L. Pallé
"Synergy between stellar physics and planetology, a pathway for high-resolution spectroscopy of exoplanet atmosphere
", A. Chiavassa, M. C. Maimone, M. Brogi, and J. Leconte
"The impact of surface flows at different scales: exoplanet detectability in radial velocity and high-precision astrometry", N. Meunier, and A.-M. Lagrange
"Examining TESS light curve to sort out SOPHIE planet candidate", N.Heidari, and I. Boisse
Des galaxies à la toile cosmique : baryons et matière noire (S17)
"Cored dark-matter profiles in z~eq1 star forming galaxies", N. F. Bouché, S. Bera, D. Krajnovi'c, E. Emsellem, W. Mercier, J. Schaye, B. Epinat, J. Richard, S. L. Zoutendijk, V. Abril-Melgarejo, et al.
"Characterizing the bulk and turbulent gas motions in galaxy clusters", S. Dupourqué, E. Pointecouteau, N. Clerc, and D. Eckert
"Jellyfish galaxies in MACS J0717.5+3745 and their link to the cosmic web", F. Durret, S. Chiche, C. Lobo, and M. Jauzac
"Models for dark matter core formation
induced by feedback", J. Freundlich
"X-IFU/ATHENA view of the most distant galaxy clusters in the universe", F. Castellani, N. Clerc, E. Pointecouteau, Y. Bahé, and F. Pajot
"Mass Ratio Evolution in Clusters Between Halos and Sub-halos", G. Mahler
"The effect of nodes and filaments on the quenching and the orientation of the spin of galaxies", N. Malavasi, M. Langer, N. Aghanim, D. Galárraga-Espinosa, and C. Gouin
"Interacting galaxies hiding into one, revealed by MaNGA", B. Mazzilli Ciraulo, A.-L. Melchior, D. Maschmann, I. Y. Katkov, A. Hallé, F. Combes, J. D. Gelfand, and A. Al Yazeedi
Fast radio bursts : Atouts et perspectives pour la communauté (S18)
"A maze in(g) FRB models", G. Voisin
"Fast Radio Bursts with CHIME", C. Ng, and the CHIME/FRB Collaboration
L'observatoire dans son environnement social (S20)
"Observatories and their social environment: the case of Pic du Midi observatory", R. Cabanac
"Report from the 2021 SF2A Session : "The Observatory in its social environment"", P. Marichalar, M. Boccas, R. Cabanac, P. Cox, E. Lagadec, J. Lamy, P. Léna, C. Moutou, F. Pitout, and A. Saint-Martin
"Valorising the scientific heritage of Abbadia Observatory Castle", F. Pitout, R. Primout, and C. Davadan
Quel futur pour le patrimoine astronomique français? (S22)
"What future for the French astronomical Patrimony? The Case of Pic du Midi", R. Cabanac
"Montpellier: 3 centuries of astronomy, 56 instruments in the national cultural heritage and a
university context", H. Reboul
Relevés photom'etriques grand champ II (S23)
"Uncovering the very metal-poor
tail of the thin disc", E. Fernández-Alvar, G. Kordopatis, and V. Hill
"Extragalactic Globular Clusters with Euclid and other wide surveys", A. Lançon, S. Larsen, K. Voggel, J.-C. Cuillandre, P.-A. Duc, W. Chantereau, R. Jain, R. Sánchez-Janssen, M. Cantiello, M. Rejkuba, et al.
"The solar neighbourhood as seen by Gaia", C. Reylé
Stellar multiplicity / Multiplicité stellaire (S24)
"it bf Multiple Stellar Evolution: a population synthesis algorithm to model the stellar, binary, and dynamical evolution of multiple-star systems", A.S. Hamers
"Orbit characterization with Hipparcos and Gaia", A. Leclerc, C. Babusiaux, T. Forveille, and X. Delfosse
"A young stellar quadruple with non-coplanar orbits", T. Merle, S. Van Eck, A. Jorissen, M. Van der Swaelmen, and K. Pollard
Simuler la formation des galaxies et de leurs étoiles (S25)
"GINEA and DYABLO", D. Aubert, and A. Durocher
"The role of cosmic ray feedback in the evolution of galaxies", M. Farcy, J. Rosdahl, and Y. Dubois
"This is the title of the paper", M. M. Kozhikkal, S. Chen, G. Theureau, M. Volonteri, M. Habouzit, and A. Sesana
Magnétosphères (exo-)planétaires comparées (S26)
"Charge exchange X-ray emission in the near-Earth environment: Simulations in preparation for the SMILE magnetospheric mission", Y. Tkachenko, D. Koutroumpa, R. Modolo, H. Connor, and S. Sembay
"The search for radio emission from extrasolar planets using LOFAR beam formed observations", J.-M. Griessmeier, J. D. Turner, and P. Zarka