Contributions by sessions:
SF2A --- Plenary session
Atelier g\'en\'eral du Programme National de Physique Stellaire (PNPS)
Simulating galaxies: from stellar to cosmological scales (atelier du PNCG)
Atelier G\'en\'eral du PCMI
Atelier G\'en\'eral de l'Action Sp\'ecifique Num\'erique
Atelier ASHRA: Status \& prospects in Optical Interferometry
Atelier PNHE: La fronti\`ere du PeV / The PeV frontier
Atelier SFE/GDR PILSE: La recherche de vie/traces de vie dans le syst\`eme solaire et au-del\`a: illusion ou r\'ealit\'e
Bien-\^etre en astrophysique
Astronomie et \'education : pratiques et recherche
Quelle recherche en astrophysique dans un monde soutenable?
La science des relev\'es grand champ (III\`eme edition)
Caract\'eriser les atmosph\`eres plan\'etaires par l'exp\'erience, la mod\'elisation et l'observation
From dual to binary supermassive black holes
Approches interdisciplinaires dans l'\'etude du syst\`eme solaire
Ondes de choc en Astrophysique
Gravitational Lensing in the JWST era: Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters
Astronomie UV
Atelier de prise en main du code public d'\'evolution stellaire Cesam2k20
Gemini -- Collaborations Pro-Amateurs
SF2A --- Plenary session
"Gravitational waveforms in general relativity and beyond", L. Bernard
"SF2A Environmental Transition Commission: Towards a desirable future for research in astronomy", F. Cantalloube, and C. Noûs
"Equality Correspondents: the INSU-AA network and its actions", M. Clavel, A. Guilbert-Lepoutre, R.-M. Ouazzani, T. Paumard, and O. Venot
"Data science approaches for the exploration of circumstellar environments in high-contrast and high-angular resolution imaging", O. Flasseur
"Understanding the near-Earth space environment: a challenge for both solar-terrestrial relations and coupling with the lower atmosphere", A. Marchaudon, and P.-L. Blelly
"Astrophysics meet data science for the study of Giant Molecular Clouds", J. Pety, M. Gerin, A. Hughes, I. Beslic, L. Einig, P. Gratier, P. Palud, A. Roueff, M. Santa-Maria, L. Segal, et al.
"Women in astronomy: a persistent but overlooked contribution to history", I. Vauglin, and R.-M. Ouazzani
Atelier général du Programme National de Physique Stellaire (PNPS)
"Interactions between tidal flows and magnetic fields in stellar/planetary convective envelopes", A. Astoul, and A. J. Barker
"Constraining core-to-envelope differential rotation in gamma-Doradus stars from inertial dips properties", L. Barrault, S. Mathis, and L. Bugnet
"Embedded cluster dynamical evolution", Y. Bernard, and E. Moraux
"Impact of uniform rotation on the stochastic excitation of acoustic modes in solar-like oscillators", L. Bessila, A. Deckx van Ruys, V. Buriasco, S. Mathis, L. Bugnet, R. A. Garcia, and S. Mathur
"The impact of differential rotation on the stochastic excitation of acoustic modes in solar-like stars", G. Biscarrat, L. Bessila, and S. Mathis
"Starspot modelling of Kepler solar-type pulsators", S. N. Breton, A. F. Lanza, and S. Messina
"Hidden magnetic fields in stellar interiors probed by asteroseismology", A. Fort, R.-M. Ouazzani, and M.-J. Goupil
"Multi-campaign observations of stellar rotation periods in clusters with TESS", M. Gilles, D. B. Palakkatharappil, R. A. Garcia, A. Hamy, A. Prin, S. N. Breton, D. Godoy-Rivera, S. Mathur, and A. R. G. Santos
"The crucial role of porosity on dust evolution in protoplanetary disks", J.-F. Gonzalez, and S. Michoulier
""Why Y Oph is off ?"Pulsation modeling of the Cepheid Y Ophiuchi with MESA/RSP", V. Hocdé, R. Smolec, and P. Moskalik
"Chromaticity of stellar activity in radial velocities
Revelation of a highly line-dependent behaviour for the M dwarf EV Lac", P. Larue, X. Delfosse, A. Carmona, T. Forveille, N. Meunier, SPIRou, and SOPHIE consortiums
"Rotational and Magnetic Effects on Stellar Convection", D. Lu, L. Petitdemange, L. Manchon, K. Belkacem, C. Pincon, and V. Durepaire
"Hydrodynamical stellar tachoclines in low-mass stars:
the effect of the evolution of the differential rotation in their convective envelope", C. Moisset, S. Mathis, and C. Dunand
"Solar p-mode excitation rate along the magnetic activity cycle", E. Panetier, S. N. Breton, R. A. Garcia, A. Jimenez, and T. Foglizzo
"JWST Photometry of Cepheids in NGC 1365, NGC 5584 and NGC 4258", G. Paul, and P. Kervella
"Atmospheric characterisation of Gaia ultra-cool dwarfs", T. Ravinet, C. Reylé, N. Lagarde, R. L. Smart, A. J. Burgasser, and J. G. Fernandez-Trincado
"Population study of canonical pulsars", M. Sautron
"Exploring magnetism in delta Scuti stars and its diversity", K. Thomson-Paressant, C. Neiner, and J. Labadie-Bartz
"Comparative analysis of Gaia DR3 GSP-Spec and Gaia-ESO DR5.1", M. Van der Swaelmen, C. Viscasillas Vazquez, L. Magrini, and A. Recio-Blanco
Simulating galaxies: from stellar to cosmological scales (atelier du PNCG)
"Resolving cold filaments in the multiphase intracluster medium with GPU--accelerated simulations
", M. Fournier, P. Grete, M. Brüggen, F. W. Glines, and B. W. O'Shea
"Flows around galaxies I -- The dependence of galaxy connectivity on cosmic environments and effects on the star formation rate", D. Galarraga-Espinosa, E. Garaldi, and G. Kauffmann
"Galactic discs embedded in fuzzy dark matter haloes", A. Halle, A. El-Zant, J. Freundlich, and F. Combes
"Analytic solution of chemical evolution models with Type Ia supernovae", P. A. Palicio
"Exploring the subtleties of feedback processes through the CGM in galaxy simulations", M. Rey, J. Blaizot, T. Kimm, J. Rosdahl, and L. Michel-Dansac
Atelier Général du PCMI
"First detections of Carbon Radio Recombination Lines with the NenuFAR telescope", L. Cros, A. Gusdorf, P. Salomé, S. Stepkin, P. Zarka, A. Loh, P. Salas, and P. Lesaffre
"3D extinction mapping of the Milky Way with the Besanc con Galaxy Model in the Gaia era", B. Déforêt, J. Montillaud, A. C. Robin, D. and J. Marshall
"Synthetic CO spectra of molecular clouds", A. Perroni, and P. Hily-Blant
"Predicting the detectability of sulfur-bearing molecules in the solid phase with simulated spectra of JWST instruments", A. Taillard, R. Martin-Domenech, H. Carrascosa, G. M. Munoz Caro, J. A. Noble, E. Dartois, D. Navarro-Almaida, A. Sanchez-Monge, and A. Fuente
"Discovery of a new streamer around the Class I YSO L1489 IRS: modeling and consequences", M. Tanious, R. Le Gal, and A. Faure
Atelier Général de l'Action Spécifique Numérique
"Relativistic reconnection with effective resistivity:a comparison between fluid and kinetic models", M. Bugli, E. Lopresti, E. Figueiredo, B. Cerutti, A. Mignone, G. Mattia, L. Del Zanna, G. Bodo, and V. Berta
"Simulation on AMR grids at the Exascale Era: The Dyablo Code", M. Delorme, A. Durocher, D. Aubert, A. S. Brun, and O. Marchal
"New radiative transfer methods in numerical simulations of galaxy
formation: application to the epoch of reionization", M. Palanque, P. Ocvirk, E. Franck, and P. Gerhard
Atelier ASHRA: Status & prospects in Optical Interferometry
"Laboratory demonstration of mid-infrared heterodyne interferometry using analog photonics correlation.", T. Allain, J.-P. Berger, G. Bourdarot, and H. Guillet de Chatellus
"Kilometer-baseline interferometry: science drivers for the next generation instrument", G. Bourdarot, and F. Eisenhauer
"Status & Prospects in Optical Interferometry", E. Choquet, F. Martinache, P. Berio, S. Lacour, J.-B. Le Bouquin, F. Millour, and I. Tallon-Bosc
"The ALOHA project: joint use of fiber and nonlinear optics for high resolution mid-infrared imaging", L. Grossard, J. Magri, M. Fabert, L. Lehmann, L. Delage, and F. Reynaud
"Increasing the sensitivity of stellar intensity interferometry with optical telescopes: first laboratory test of spectral multiplexing", S. Tolila, G. Labeyrie, R. Kaiser, J.-P. Rivet, and W. Guerin
"Update on the large interferometer for exoplanets (LIFE)", R. Laugier, J.-P. Berger, and S. P. Quanz
"NIFITS: building a new data standard to enable the rise of nulling interferometry", R. Laugier, M.-A. Martinod, P. Huber, F. Dannert, and J. Kammerer
"High-angular and high-contrast VLTI observations from Y to L band with the Asgard instrumental suite", M.-A. Martinod, D. Defrere, M. Ireland, S. Kraus, F. Martinache, and Asgard consortium
"JMMC: a Service for current & future optical interferometers", I. Tallon-Bosc, J.-P. Berger, A. Matter, L. Bourgès, G. Mella, M. Benisty, A. Chelli, A. Domiciano de Souza, G. Duchêne, J.-B. Le Bouquin, et al.
Atelier PNHE: La frontière du PeV / The PeV frontier
"Effects of the cosmic ray composition on Galactic gamma-ray and neutrino emission", M. Breuhaus, J. A. Hinton, V. Joshi, B. Reville, and H. Schoorlemmer
"Large zenith angle observation of the hadronic PeVatron candidate SNR G106.3+2.7 with LST-1 and MAGIC", M.-S. Carrasco, F. Cassol, H. Costantini, G. Emery, T. Saito, C. Arcaro, and M. Pihet
"Acceleration of Interstellar Dust Grains at Supernova Remnant Shocks and possible Implications for Cosmic-Ray Composition", P. Cristofari, and V. Tatischeff
"The PeV Frontier: Status of Gamma-ray astronomy after two decades with H.E.S.S., MAGIC, VERITAS and the new window recently opened by HAWC and LHAASO", J. Devin
"Gamma-ray signatures of particle acceleration at stellar wind termination shocks up to PeV energies", A. Inventar, and S. Gabici
"Ultra-high-energy counterparts of H.E.S.S. pulsar-powered sources and modeling pulsar halos with Gammapy", K. Sabri, Y. A. Gallant, and J. Devin
Atelier SFE/GDR PILSE: La recherche de vie/traces de vie dans le système solaire et au-delà: illusion ou réalité
"Understanding the chemistry of temperate exoplanet atmospheres: A study of oxidized organic compounds as precursors of photochemical condensates", O. Sohier, A. Y. Jaziri, L. Vettier, A. Chatain, L. Maratrat, and N. Carrasco
Bien-être en astrophysique
"Annual French workshop on well-being in astrophysics : managing conflicts, developing soft skills and advice on moving to industry", N. A. Webb, X. Astiasarain, A. Bajat, N. Donati, V. Lebouteiller, S. Mei, I. Paris, and F. Pelullo
Astronomie et éducation : pratiques et recherche
"On the links between astronomy, astronomers and Science Fiction", S. Boissier
"Teacher-Centered Approach: Study of Profiles, Needs, and Practices in Astronomy Education in Primary in France", O. Bonneton, J. Tuaillon-Combes, and P. Lautesse
"Mind escape of inmates through astronomy", D. Briot, and R. Courtin
"Chemins du Temps / Time Trails: two paths to discover space and time", M. Gargaud, P. Gratier, and M. Lachaud
"Approach to Kepler's Laws by Direct Observation of the Moon", J. Guérard, and M. Bergon
"Two examples of astronomy practice in an aeronautics and space engineering school: the Major Project and the Introduction to Research and Innovation course", A. Lekic, P. Wullaert, and J.-F. Coliac
"guillemotleft ASTRO à l'École guillemotright - Sharing astronomy and astrophysics at secondary school.", E. Martel
Quelle recherche en astrophysique dans un monde soutenable?
"SF2A Environmental Transition Commission: What kind of astrophysics research for a sustainable world?", F. Cantalloube, D. Barret, M. Bouffard, P. Hennebelle, J. Milli, F. Malbet, A. Santerne, N. Fargette, S. Bontemps, C. Moutou, et al.
"Expatriation, a systemic blind spot in the carbon footprint of science", N. Fargette
"What trade-off for astronomy between greenhouse gas emissions and the societal benefits? A sociological approach", P. Hennebelle, M. Barsuglia, F. Billebaud, M. Bouffard, N. Champollion, M. Grybos, H. Meheut, M. Parmentier, and P. Petitjean
""My Earth'' Astrophysics and Planets - a serious game to build low-carbon scenarios in the astronomy academic community", F. Malbet, A. Santerne, J. Milli, N. Champollion, L. Lamy, H. Imbaud, F. Gaunet, T. Masson, A.-M. Daré, N. Gratiot, et al.
"Action Research in Astronomy and Ecology: The observatory of the night environment in Grenoble", J. Milli, M. Boribon, F. Malbet, P. Deverchere, B. Drillat, B. Falque, F. Colas, and A. Malgoyre
La science des relevés grand champ (IIIème edition)
"Characterization of the properties of extended UV regions in nearby galaxies with deep large optical survey", E. Bernaud, S. Boissier, Junais, and E. Hugot
"Metal-poor stars on disc-like orbits: insights from Pristine-Gaia synthetic", I. González Rivera de La Vernhe, V. Hill, G. Kordopatis, F. Gran, E. Fernández-Alvar, and the Pristine collaboration
"Euclid: Early Release Observations -- Density Profiles of the Far Outskirts of Galaxies in the Perseus Cluster", M. Mondelin, J.-C. Cuillandre, S. Codis, and F. Bournaud
"Probing dwarf galaxies and tidal debris in the Local Universe with Euclid Early Release Observations", M. Urbano, P.-A. Duc, A. Lancon, T. Saifollahi, K. Voggel, E. Sola, O. Marchal, F. R. Marleau, J.-C. Cuillandre, M. Poulain, et al.
"New spectroscopic binaries with Gaia and the Gaia-ESO survey", M. Van der Swaelmen, T. Merle, S. Van Eck, and A. Jorissen
Caractériser les atmosphères planétaires par l'expérience, la modélisation et l'observation
"The magic triptych to characterise the atmospheres of exoplanets: observations, modelling, experiments", O. Venot
"First Results from the JWST COMPASS (Compositions of Mini-Planet Atmospheres for Statistical Study) Program", A. Aguichine, J. Adams Redai, M. K. Alam, L. Alderson, N. M. Batalha, N. E. Batalha, A. Dattilo, P. Gao, T. Gordon, J. Kirk, et al.
"Coupling haze and cloud microphysics in hot-Jupiter atmospheres", A. Arfaux, and P. Lavvas
"Thermal tides on rocky planets through a novel fully analytical solution", P. Auclair-Desrotour, M. Farhat, G. Boue, R. Deitrick, and J. Laskar
"K-Stacker: Pushing the Boundaries of High-Contrast Imaging - A Comprehensive Review of Recent Results", H. Le Coroller, M. Nowak, C. Tschudi, H. M. Schmid, and S. Conseil
"Improving the parametrization of transport and mixing processes in planetary atmospheres:
the importance of implementing the full Coriolis acceleration", C. Moisset, S. Mathis, P. Billant, and J. Park
From dual to binary supermassive black holes
"Measuring Lorentz invariance violations with gravitational waves and the SME formalism", S. Aoulad Lafkih, M.-C. Angonin, C. Le Poncin-Lafitte, and N. A. Nilsson
"Detection and 2-point spectral index analysis of new radio-synchrotron components in the kpc jet of OJ287", E. Bonnassieux, H. Shetgaonkar, and M. Kadler
"Galaxy merger estimation by machine learning: a new method to constrain black hole merger detection with LISA", R. Delpech, T. Contini, and S. Marsat
"Electromagnetic follow-up during the LISA mission", P.-A. Duverne, F. Cangemi, A. Coleiro, S. Marsat, R. Mignon-Risse, and P. Varniere
"Probing the Universe with low frequency gravitational waves", M. Falxa
"Reconciling PTA and JWST and preparing for LISA. A parametric model to describe the formation and evolution of massive black holes.", A. Toubiana, L. Sberna, M. Volonteri, E. Barausse, S. Babak, R. Enficiaud, D. Izquierdo-Villalba, J. R. Gair, J. E. Greene, and H. Quelquejay Leclere
"How to distinguish binary variability from single black hole", P. Varniere, R. Mignon-Risse, and F. Casse
Approches interdisciplinaires dans l'étude du système solaire
"Saturn's formation at the Carbon Dioxide Iceline", A. Aguichine, and O. Mousis
"The Impact of Ammonia on Volatile Equilibrium in Europa's Primitive Ocean%Ammonia's Influence on Volatile Distribution in Europa's Primordial Hydrosphere
", A. Amsler Moulanier, O. Mousis, A. Bouquet, and C. R. Glein
"Formation regions of CM and CI chondrites: Saturn versus the primordial trans-Uranian disk", S. Anderson, P. Vernazza, and M. Brov z
"Formation of complex organic matter in the protosolar nebula and delivery to the Galilean moons", T. Benest Couzinou, A. Amsler Moulanier, and O. Mousis
"Thermal Evolution of Proto-Galilean Moons During the Accretion Phase", Y. Bennacer, M. Monnereau, V. Hue, and A. Schneeberger
Ondes de choc en Astrophysique
"Particle acceleration and magnetic field
amplification in the jet termination shocks at
all scales", A. Araudo
"Magneto-rotational supernova explosions:a comparison between state-of-the-art numerical models", M. Bugli, J. Guilet, K. Kotake, L. Kovalenko, B. Müller, M. Obergaulinger, E. O'Connor, T. Takiwaki, and V. Varma
Gravitational Lensing in the JWST era: Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters
"Constraining self-interacting scalar field dark matter with strong gravitational lensing ?", R. Galazo-Garc'ia, E. Jullo, E. Nezri, and M. Limousin
"Mass & Light in Galaxy Clusters: Parametric strong-lensing approach", M. Limousin
Astronomie UV
"Studies of type 2 AGNs below spatially resolved scales:the case for ultraviolet polarimetry", T. Barnouin, and F. Marin
"UV spectropolarimetry with CASSTOR, Polstar, and Pollux", A. Girardot, C. Neiner, and J.-M. Reess
"Bridging the UV gap between HST and HWO in France:
The interest of suborbital/CubeSats projects", V. Picouet
Atelier de prise en main du code public d'évolution stellaire Cesam2k20
"The Cesam2k20 stellar evolution code", L. Manchon, M. Deal, Y. Lebreton, and J. P. C. Marques
Gemini -- Collaborations Pro-Amateurs
"First results for IPSA Vega about the photometry of the star QU-Vir, target of the BSN program.", M. Cellier, A. Lekic, C. Da Graca Baptista, and A. Saint-Paul
"A collaborative AI project from the Astro Images Processing (AIP) association", D. Daniel
"Pro-Am Collaboration in Spanish Astronomy (poster)", S. Garcia Marin, J. Alvaro Contreras, E. Diez Alonso, and I. Ordonez-Etxeberria
"GAIAMOONS : Study of binary asteroids with stellar occultation and GAIA astrometry", R. Lallemand, J. Desmars, B. Sicardy, and P. Tanga
"2024 Pro-Am collaboration Gemini table", T. Midavaine
"2025 PheSat observation campaign", V. Robert, M. Irzyk, and T. Midavaine
"The ProAm Incentive Mutli-Year Action", V. Robert, C. Neiner, and F. Taris
"IPSA Vega and its collaboration with the SAF", A. Saint-Paul, C. Da Graca Baptista, M. Cellier, and A. Lekic
"Interfacing Virtual Observatory tools for amateur astronomers", R. Savalle, J.-P. Godard, C. Cavadore, and D. Valls-Gabaud
"Astro-COLIBRI: Empowering Citizen Scientists in Time Domain Astronomy", F. Schussler, M. de Bony de Lavergne, A. Kaan Alkan, and J. Mourier
"Project OLED - Lunar Occultations of double stars", P. Laurent, and E. Velasco