Message SF2A No 1048 – 07/08/23

  1. Upcoming faculty position @ USACH
  2. Conference MASCA: Multi-wavelength AGN Structure and Cosmological Applications, 9-13 Oct 2023, Nice, France
  3. Décès de Lydie Koch-Miramond

1. Upcoming faculty position @ USACH

In the context of a funding opportunity from the ESO-Chile Joint Committee, we look for female astrophysicists willing to participate in the procedure as beneficiaries. If successful, the applicant will be granted an assistant professor tenure track at Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH).

Deadline is August 13.

For more info :

Transmis par Ileyk El Mellah

2. Conference MASCA: Multi-wavelength AGN Structure and Cosmological Applications, 9-13 Oct 2023, Nice, France

Abstract submission extended until August 20th, 2023

We’d like to thank all those who have submitted abstracts for the many interesting talks. We still have some availability, particularly in the cosmology and instrumentation sessions, so we encourage you to apply if you have an interest in AGN, AGN applied to cosmology, and instrumentation for AGN observations.

New instrumentation presents the possibility to access accurate SMBH masses and independent direct distance measurements over a range of redshifts. This has potentially important cosmological applications both in the context of Hubble tension and the co-evolution of SMBH and galaxies. We now hope to discuss the potential of these techniques with existing and new instrumentation as well as the specifications (e.g. redshift range, accuracy) that would make the measurements useful for cosmology (cosmology session).

Our upcoming AGN conference is situated in Nice, France. MASCA is a conference aimed at sharing findings on AGN on 0.1-100 pc spatial scales at any wavelength from x-ray to radio, with instruments such as JWST, the VLTI, ALMA, and the VLBI. In light of recent and upcoming breakthroughs in angular resolution and modelling, the conference will focus on:

  • the subparsec scales and jets;
  • the Broad Line Region;
  • parsec scale structure, composition, and kinematics;
  • the link with the central host galaxy <100 pc bulge region;
  • the use of AGN information on a cosmic scale, which includes galactic evolution and AGN as a distance measure;
  • and the instrumentation that we require to address the above points.

Abstract submission is already open through our website at:
Submissions will be accepted until August 20th.
Conference website:

Contact information:

Transmis par James Leftley & Romain Petrov

3. Décès de Lydie Koch-Miramond

Nous avons le regret de vous annoncer le décès de Lydie Koch-Miramond le 5 juillet 2023.

Diplômée de l’Ecole Supérieure de Physique et Chimie industrielle de Paris, elle rejoignit le CEA et commença à travailler au Service d’Electronique Physique en 1954. Elle est notamment à l’origine de la création du Service d’Astrophysique (SAp) à dont elle fut à la tête de 1967 à 1979.

Ses contributions à l’astrophysique furent nombreuses. Un hommage retraçant sa carrière est disponible en pièce jointe çi-après.

Transmis par Catherine Cesarsky et Laurent Vigroux

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