Message SF2A No 1036 – 15/05/23

  1. NECO school, August 28 to September 8 2023, Kyoto (Japan)
  2. Second announcement Origin and Fate of Dust in Our Universe, September 25-29 2023, Göteborg (Sweden) – Call for abstract extension

1. NECO school, August 28 to September 8 2023, Kyoto (Japan)

The NECO school on science and methods for wide-field photometric and spectroscopic extragalactic and cosmological surveys will be held from August 28 to September 8, 2023 in Kyoto, Japan.

This first edition of the school will be held in person. We are studying the possibility of virtual attendance, but that will be exceptional.

The school is designed to provide young astronomers an updated information on the science and methods for projects related to wide-field photometric and spectroscopic surveys (e.g. SUBARU/PFS, VLT/MOONS, ESA/Euclid, NASA/Roman, and other wavelength ranges), but also to JWST with the associated scientific objectives related to galaxy formation and evolution, large-scale structures, Epoch of Reionization, etc.

Beside the lectures, this school will present and provide hands-on activities to learn how to estimate redshifts (photometric and spectroscopic) and to derive relevant physical parameters from these data (individually and together).

We invite young astronomers to apply by sending an email with the requested information (see ) to: .

Some funding will be available from NECO, to help young researchers to attend this school (also see: ).

Transmis par Denis Burgarella

2. Second announcement Origin and Fate of Dust in Our Universe, September 25-29 2023, Göteborg (Sweden) – Call for abstract extension

We are pleased to announce that we are organising a conference in Göteborg (25th-29th September 2023) on dust, near and far.

This conference aims to bring together those working on theory, experiments and observations of dust formation, growth and destruction throughout the Universe. We will highlight state-of-the-art theoretical and laboratory research, as well as the latest observations from instruments such as the JWST and ALMA. With this we hope to foster new interdisciplinary collaborations that can provide answers to the many questions that remain related to astrophysical dust on all scales and all environments.

Please find more information on the conference webpage:

Feel free to reach us at this address:

Here are the important dates:

  • Registration open: 2 march
  • Abstract deadline: extended to 4 June
  • End early registration: 30 June
  • End late registration: 31 August
  • Conference: 25 September

We are looking forward seeing you here!

Transmis par Thiébaut Schirmer


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