Message SF2A No 1080 – 18/03/24

  1. Appel à candidature pour la direction executive de l’ERIC LOFAR
  2. Ateliers scientifiques pour le projet PROVIDENCE – Rappel

1. Appel à candidature pour la direction executive de l’ERIC LOFAR

The LOFAR ERIC Council is actively seeking the next Executive Director of LOFAR.

The LOFAR ERIC is a new European Research Infrastructure Consortium recently established by the European Commission. Our mission is to ensure coordinated exploitation of the LOFAR (Low Frequency Array) infrastructure, a key instrument for radio astronomy, to produce world-class scientific research and pursue further development. LOFAR is by its nature a pan-European project, with 52 antenna stations located across 8 European countries: The Netherlands, Germany, Poland, France, Ireland, Latvia, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. The construction of 2 further international stations in Italy and Bulgaria is planned.

The mission of LOFAR ERIC has several components:

  1. LOFAR ERIC will place the long-term governance of LOFAR on a secure footing, by providing a robust coordinating organisation which will ensure the efficient joint operation of the existing LOFAR facilities.
  2. LOFAR ERIC will draw together a cross-disciplinary international collaboration of experts and promote a united international approach to implement the ongoing upgrade LOFAR2.0, delivering a successful Phase 1 within its initial 5-year period.
  3. LOFAR ERIC will facilitate the broad scientific exploitation of the LOFAR research infrastructure by developing and enhancing its unique capabilities and facilitating access for use and re-use of its extensive data products.
  4. LOFAR ERIC will offer capabilities to the European research community that are not available anywhere else in the world, and thus offer huge advantages for researchers, both scientifically and technically. It will help to place European researchers at the forefront of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA; the multi-billion-Euro global radio telescope for which construction is just beginning), cementing long-term benefits for Europe and a long-standing uniqueness of LOFAR in the SKA era.

The Executive Director will play a pivotal role in representing LOFAR ERIC to all relevant stakeholders and ensure the efficient joint operation of the LOFAR facilities. The Executive Director reports and is accountable to the LOFAR ERIC Council.

How to apply
Interested candidates should submit the following documents to or through the online submission system. Applications should be received by the deadline of 23:59 UT on May 7th, 2024.

  • A letter of application outlining relevant experience for the role and the motivation for the position
  • A brief statement (approximately 1 page) outlining future goals and directions for LOFAR ERIC
  • A CV including significant accomplishments (not longer than 6 pages)
  • Names of at least three professional referees, at least one of whom must be your current employer (the committee can request references from them if the committee deems it necessary, i.e., inform your referees of your application)

The LOFAR ERIC Council is committed to increasing staff diversity, and is especially interested in applications from women and other traditionally under-represented groups. We welcome applications from individuals of all backgrounds and are committed to increasing staff diversity.

Further information can be obtained from the Chairperson of the LOFAR ERIC Council (Jacqueline Mout, For inquiries about the procedure, you can contact NWO-I (Dr. Peter Spijker,

Detailed job advertisement:

Transmis par Michel Tagger

2. Ateliers scientifiques pour le projet PROVIDENCE – Rappel

Nous vous rappelons la tenue des workshops PROVIDENCE :
1er workshop : les 09 (pm)/10/11 (am). Attention le lieu a été modifié en : LAM à Marseille, pour des raisons d’organisation.
2eme workshop : les 14 et 15 mai. Lieu OHP.
N’hésitez pas à vous inscrire pour participer et/ou présenter.

La participation sera limitée à 50 personnes. Pour rappel, un lien visio sera dispo pour les présentations générales uniquement.

Pour gérer les inscriptions, obtenir des informations, et bientot avoir le programme et une description de Providence, vous pouvez aller sur le site :

Pour les personnes déjà inscrites sur le document partagé ( ) l’inscription sera transférée sur le site.

Transmis par Cyril Petit pour le PO PROVIDENCE.

Pour faire passer vos messages, envoyez un mail au secrétariat SF2A ( avant le vendredi 18h pour une diffusion le lundi après-midi suivant.


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