Message SF2A No 1119 – 06/01/25

  1. Nos meilleurs voeux!
  2. Reminder : EGU25 Call for Abstracts: PS1.7, April 27 – May 2, Vienna (Austria)

1. Nos meilleurs voeux!

Chères et chers collègues,

le Conseil de la SF2A vous présente ses meilleurs voeux pour l’année 2025!

Nous vous donnons rendez-vous lors de la Semaine de l’Astrophysique Française qui se tiendra à Toulouse du 1 au 4 juillet. Nous espérons vous voir nombreux!

Le conseil de la SF2A

2. Reminder : EGU25 Call for Abstracts: PS1.7, April 27 – May 2, Vienna (Austria)

Reminder, the abstract submission is open for EGU 2025, held in Vienna on 27 April – 2 May 2025 and online.

The deadline for the abstract submission is 15 January 2025, 13:00 CET.

I would like to draw your attention to our session: Atmospheres, exospheres, and surfaces of terrestrial planets, satellites, small bodies, and exoplanets

« This session primarily focuses on neutral atmospheres, surfaces, and exospheres of terrestrial bodies other than the Earth. This includes not only Venus and Mars, but also exoplanets with comparable envelopes, small bodies and satellites carrying dense atmospheres such as Titan, exospheres such as Ganymede, or with a surface directly exposed to space like asteroids. We welcome contributions dealing with processes affecting the atmospheres of these bodies, from the surface to the exosphere. We invite abstracts concerning observations, both from Earth or from space, modeling and theoretical studies, or laboratory work. Comparative planetology abstracts will be particularly appreciated.”

If you consider submitting an abstract in this session, you can use the following link

Transmis par Arnaud Beth

Pour faire passer vos messages, envoyez un mail au secrétariat SF2A ( avant le vendredi 18h pour une diffusion le lundi après-midi suivant.


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