Message SF2A No 1126 – 24/02/25

  1. Prix Camille Flammarion de la médiation SAF/SF2A
  2. Semestre 2025B au TCFH – Appel de temps ouvert
  3. French AtLAST days, May 12-14, 2025, Amphithéâtre Pierre-Gilles De Gennes, université Paris Cité (France)
  4. Journées Ariel France, May 22-23, 2025, LIRA Meudon (France)
  5. EAS2025 SS16: A new picture of galaxy evolution from Cosmic Dawn to Cosmic Noon: after the first years of JWST operation and towards the ELT, June 23rd-27th, Cork (Ireland)
  6. EAS2025 SS31: Numerical models of extreme stellar explosions, June 23rd-27th, Cork (Ireland)
  7. EAS2025 SS38: A Bright Future for Far-Infrared Astrophysics in Europe, June 23rd-27th, Cork (Ireland)
  8. Atelier SF2A S05: Exploring the frontiers of astrophysics with machine learning: New methods and current challenges, July 1, 2025, Toulouse (France)
  9. Atelier SF2A S10: Atmosphères planétaires : processus physiques, couplages internes et interprétation des observations, July 4, 2025, Toulouse (France)
  10. Atelier SF2A S11: Enseignement et formation, July 2, 2025, Toulouse (France)
  11. Urgent Call from the International Astronomical Community for the Protection of Chile’s Astronomical Heritage
  12. Pétition en soutien à la recherche aux USA
  13. Le numéro de mars 2025 du magazine de la SAF l’Astronomie est paru

1. Prix Camille Flammarion de la médiation SAF/SF2A

La Société Astronomique de France (SAF) et la Société Française d’Astronomie et d’Astrophysique (SF2A) se sont associées pour créer en 2022 le Prix Camille Flammarion destiné à récompenser une action de médiation scientifique menée par un jeune chercheur. Ce prix est ouvert aux doctorant(e)s et aux post-doctorant(e)s en Sciences de l’Univers. La SAF et SF2A lancent le 4ème appel à candidature pour le Prix Camille Flammarion qui sera remis lors de la semaine de l’Astrophysique Française qui se tiendra du 1 au 4 juillet 2025 à Toulouse.
Le prix décerné sera matérialisé par un chèque de 1000€ ; un communiqué de presse sera ensuite diffusé. En outre, le projet distingué pourra faire l’objet d’une communication lors des journées de la SF2A 2025 et d’une publication dans le magazine l’Astronomie.
Le jury composé de membres de la SAF et de la SF2A décidera en mai 2025 de l’attribution du prix.

Quelles sont les conditions de participation ?

  • Le prix est ouvert aux doctorant(e)s et postdoctorant(e)s francophones en Sciences de l’Univers à titre individuel ou en collaboration avec une association ou un laboratoire
  • Le projet présenté doit être en cours (2024 et 2025) ou avoir eu lieu l’an dernier (2023/2024) et concerne un des domaines des Sciences de l’Univers
  • Toutes les tailles et tous les formats de projet sont les bienvenus. Les points importants sont le côté innovant de votre projet et l’impact de votre initiative sur le public cible
  • Les candidatures seront soumises en Français

Pour faire acte de candidature, il est nécessaire de :

  • Répondre au formulaire en ligne avant le 2 mai 12h sur :
  • Joindre dans le formulaire en ligne un court CV (1 page en format PDF) de la personne porteuse principale du projet.

N’hésitez pas à nous contacter si besoin

Bien cordialement

Sylvain Bouley – Société Astronomique de France –
Olivia Venot – Société Française d’Astronomie et d’Astrophysique –

2. Semestre 2025B au TCFH – Appel de temps ouvert

Chers utilisateurs du TCFH,

L’appel de temps 2025B du TCFH est maintenant ouvert. La date limite est le 20 mars à 23h59 UTC. Pour plus d’information, veuillez consulter le lien ci-dessous:

Veuillez noter que trois nouveaux filtres SITELLE sont maintenant disponibles et qu’une section contient des notes techniques importantes qui ont été ajoutées pour que chaque équipe puisse vérifier la faisabilité technique de leur demande. La pression venant des Grands Programmes est présentée sous la section « Time available ».

Meilleure des chances à tous les proposants.

Transmis par Nadine Manset

3. French AtLAST days, May 12-14, 2025, Amphithéâtre Pierre-Gilles De Gennes, université Paris Cité (France)

AtLAST (Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope) is a groundbreaking initiative to develop a 50-meter submillimeter and millimeter-wave telescope on the Chajnantor Plateau in Chile. As part of the ESO « Expanding Horizon » framework, this project is poised to deliver transformational science while pioneering sustainability through renewable energy and environmental considerations.

We are organizing an AtLAST event in Paris on May 12-14 (with hybrid participation available). The ultimate goal is to discuss the role of France in supporting and contributing to this project, including instrumental or software developments and the exploration of its scientific potential. The AtLAST team will present the current status of the project within the European context. Critical questions about environmental and societal aspects, ensuring that AtLAST aligns with these contemporary challenges will also be addressed.
We are looking forward to your participation (on-site or on-line) and contribution to this event. Registration is now open on the website:

Deadline: April 14th

Transmis par Caroline Bot

4. Journées Ariel France, May 22-23, 2025, LIRA Meudon (France)

The Ariel France annual conference will be held at LIRA (Meudon) on 22 and 23 May 2025. They are aimed at the entire French exoplanet community, and will include a presentation on the progress of the ESA/Ariel mission, recent results and proposed contributions from the community.

A review of the progress of the Ariel mission and the AIRS instrument piloted by France will be given during the afternoon of 22 May 2025. As the annual Ariel France days held since 2021, these new days should enable the entire French community to get involved in the mission, which includes in particular an opening to the international ‘open science’ community. The integration of Ariel into collaborations with other ground or space-based instruments is an important element in preparing for optimum scientific return.

We are therefore inviting researchers and doctoral students to take part in this day, and to propose oral contributions on the various theoretical, observational or programmatic aspects in relation to Ariel. These days will be held in hybrid mode, either face-to-face at LIRA (amphitheatre in building 18 Evry Schatzman) or via a remote connection. Invited presentations will describe the technical and modelling progress of the project. Contributions of 15 minutes (+ 5 min for questions) are invited, before the 31 March deadline.

Participation can be in person (preferably) or remotely, to be indicated at the time of registration.

Times of the Ariel days:
Thursday 22 May, 14:00-18:00, with a visit of SimEnOm, followed by a drink (wine, cheese)
Friday 23 May, 09:00 – 13:00, free lunch (possibility of lunch in the Observatoire canteen)

Registration is open via the French Ariel Mission website:

Transmis par Benjamin Charnay

5. EAS2025 SS16: A new picture of galaxy evolution from Cosmic Dawn to Cosmic Noon: after the first years of JWST operation and towards the ELT, June 23rd-27th, Cork (Ireland)

After nearly two years of operation, the instruments aboard the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have already delivered unprecedented images and spectra of our universe. Among the approximately 1000 published papers utilizing JWST data, several findings were unexpected. While these results may have seemed surprising upon their initial announcement, many have since been corroborated in subsequent months, underscoring the imperative for a new understanding of galaxy formation and evolution.

The primary approach to interpreting Webb?s observations involves enhancing our existing model of galaxy formation and evolution, as well as our model on stellar population. Despite being the forefront near-infrared telescope, JWST has limitations in addressing these inquiries due to its restricted capabilities. To explore these questions further, alternative instruments with larger fields of view, comparable (or even greater) sensitivity and resolution are essential.

In July 2023, the construction and development of the ESO Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) reached its midpoint. Anticipated to witness its first light in less than four years, in 2028, the telescope is set to introduce several instruments designed for either the first light or the first generation. These instruments are designed to possess the necessary sensitivity and field-of-view crucial for advancing research in galaxy formation and evolution, and in stellar population studies.

This EAS Special Session will discuss the latest results based on JWST observations and the synergy between JWST and the first-light and first-generation instruments of ELT, focusing on the intricate themes of galaxy formation and evolution. This presents a valuable opportunity to unite the european community around these pivotal subjects and instruments, initiating discussions on the primary science interests of the community on the ELT instruments.

The properties of galaxies at the redshift frontier
The contribution of AGN and star formation to the reionisation process
The first large scale structures and their evolution with Cosmic time
The properties of massive stars (such as Wolf-Rayet stars and pop-III stars)
The evolution of galaxies properties from Cosmic Dawn to Cosmic Noon
Galaxy evolution and stellar populations

Abstract submission [deadline March 3rd] :

Transmis par Nicolas Laporte

6. EAS2025 SS31: Numerical models of extreme stellar explosions, June 23rd-27th, Cork (Ireland)

We are glad to announce a Special Session (SS31) titled “Numerical models of extreme stellar explosions: bridging the gap between the central engine and the emission region” at the upcoming EAS 2025 Annual Meeting.
The meeting will be held on June 23-27 in Cork, Ireland, with SS31 scheduled on Wednesday June 25.

This special session aims at bringing together experts in the modeling of all the different phases that characterize extreme stellar explosions, from their initial onset to the emission of the electromagnetic transient. The main goal is to foster discussions and collaborations that will help the community to develop a deeper understanding of the fundamental physical processes at work during these events and trace the path to connect observed GRBs to their stellar progenitors.

We will focus on three major topics related to the modeling of extreme stellar explosions:

  • The formation and dynamics of the central engine (i.e. extreme core-collapse supernovae, collapsar, binary neutron stars and neutron star-black hole mergers)
  • The relativistic jet (launch mechanism, propagation through the stellar progenitor or the merger ejecta, interaction with the surrounding medium)
  • The multi-wavelength electromagnetic and multi-messenger emission (including energy dissipation mechanisms and particle acceleration processes, GW, and neutrinos)

If you are interested in participating, you are kindly invited to submit an abstract by March 3.
We look forward to seeing you in Cork!


Transmis par Matteo Bugli

7. EAS2025 SS38: A Bright Future for Far-Infrared Astrophysics in Europe, June 23rd-27th, Cork (Ireland)

The far-infrared domain is key to study the cold obscured Universe at all scales from protoplanetary disks, to star formation and to galaxy evolution. Without a far-infrared facility, we are blind to half of the luminous content of the Universe. Far-IR observations are essential to understanding the origin of planets, stars, and galaxies.

Following the recommendations of the American decadal report, NASA issued a call for a far-infrared and/or X-ray probe and in October 2024 selected PRIMA to represent the Far-IR community. With a final selection in mid-2026, EAS2025 is timely to gather the whole European community behind the PRIMA probe.

PRIMA is a cryogenically-cooled, Far-IR observatory concept for the community in the 2030 decade, including both a sensitive wideband spectrometer FIRESS (24 to 235 microns with R~100 and a high-resolution mode), and a multi-band spectrophotometric imager / polarimeter PRIMAger. Both instruments use detectors limited by the natural background. More information on the probe is available here:

The aim of this special session is to make a big step forward within the European community, and discuss the science opportunities afforded through the >70% of guest observing time that the PRIMA will propose.

We invite researchers to propose and present their views and ideas on the key open questions that require Far-IR observations and how PRIMA would help answering them. We are also welcoming contributions showing the synergy of PRIMA with current or future facilities. This will be an opportunity to directly interact and discuss with the PRIMA team. Furthermore, this session will end with a discussion on future Far-IR concepts, including interferometers, heterodyne telescopes, and balloon-based observatories.

Asbtract submission deadline: March 3rd (!)


Transmis par Laure Ciesla

8. Atelier SF2A S05: Exploring the frontiers of astrophysics with machine learning: New methods and current challenges, July 1, 2025, Toulouse (France)

As part of the Journées de la SF2A 2025, we are organizing a workshop called “Exploring the frontiers of astrophysics with machine learning: New methods and current challenges” on Tuesday July 1st in Toulouse.

This session aims to bring together members of the astrophysical ML community, as well as those who are curious about the topic, to exchange on the developed methods and their applications for scientific research. We propose a workshop divided into two parts, the first one will focus on presentations covering ML applications in simulations and data analysis. The second part (~1 hour) will be a round-table to address the challenges that are specific to ML approaches, such as model interpretability, data bias, and the integration of ML with traditional methods. This is an occasion to discuss the strengths, limitations, and potential of current methods in solving astrophysical questions, while also identifying the community’s needs.

More information on the workshop at :

Registration and submission of abstracts are made on the website of the Journées de la SF2A ( Abstracts should be received by April 25.

Sent by Nina Kessler on behalf of the SOC

9. Atelier SF2A S10: Atmosphères planétaires : processus physiques, couplages internes et interprétation des observations, July 4, 2025, Toulouse (France)

The SF2A week will be held from July 1 to 4, 2025 in Toulouse.

You can already submit an abstract for session S10, Planetary atmospheres: physical processes, internal couplings and interpretation of observations, on the SF2A website (, deadline April 25.

Do not hesitate to spread the information.

Link to the conference website:

Overview: Understanding the diversity of planetary atmospheres requires complex models integrating photochemistry, atmospheric dynamics and interactions with the planetary interior and the star. This session aims to strengthen the synergies between climate modeling, internal planetary structure modeling and observation.

Transmis par Guillaume Chaverot

10. Atelier SF2A S11: Enseignement et formation, July 2, 2025, Toulouse (France)

La SF2A, en partenariat avec l’équipe de coordonnateurs nationaux du Bureau de l’Astronomie pour l’Education (NAEC), organise un atelier qui sera axé sur 2 thèmes :

  • l’astronomie pour les personnes en situation de handicap (sensoriel, moteur, psychique) ou d’isolement (hôpital, prison, etc.) L’un des objectifs de cet atelier est de recenser les méthodes / outils développés pour ces actions et de constituer une base de données de ressources pouvant être utilisées par celles et ceux qui veulent s’investir mais se sentent démunis face aux éventuelles difficultés.
  • la sensibilisation à la pollution lumineuse et ses enjeux culturels L’accent sera mis sur les impacts de la pollution lumineuse (éclairage urbain, constellations de satellites, etc.) en astronomie, professionnelle et amateur.

Vos propositions de contribution (orale, poster ou simplement fiche de renseignements sur une action menée) sont à renseigner avant le 20 mai sur le site web des journées SF2A (copie à
Les présentations seront nécessairement courtes, et les présentations en présentiel seront privilégiées.

Transmis par Eric Josselin

11. Urgent Call from the International Astronomical Community for the Protection of Chile’s Astronomical Heritage

A google form collecting signatures from scientists from the physical and astronomical sciences to support the letter Urgent Call from the International Astronomical Community for the Protection of Chile’s Astronomical Heritage is available online here:

Transmis par Boud Roukema

12. Pétition en soutien à la recherche aux USA

Une pétition en soutien à la recherche aux Etats-Unis lancée par RogueESR est disponible à l’adresse suivante :

Transmis par Isabelle Gallagher

13. Le numéro de mars 2025 du magazine de la SAF l’Astronomie est paru

Le numéro de mars 2025 (n°191) du magazine de la SAF l’Astronomie est paru.
Dans les Actualités, J.Lequeux (OP) révèle que, grâce à un programme de détection de microlentilles, une exoplanète a été détectée autour d’une étoile à très grande vitesse. S. Collin-Zahn (OP) dévoile la présence de galaxies spirales dans l’Univers très lointain et montre que notre galaxie est atypique. F. Deschamps (IESA, Taipei, Taiwan) présente une exoplanète très jeune. F. Mottez (OP) signale un astéroïde géocroiseur 2024 YR4, à surveiller. Dans l’évocation du centenaire de la disparition du fondateur de la SAF, F. Combes (OP, Académie des Sciences) présente le livre de C. Flammarion « Merveilles Célestes – Lectures du Soir » publié en1865. Dans la rubrique Spatial, J. Borg (IAS) et O. de Goursac (SAF) continuent à suivre le cheminement sur Mars du robot Perseverance. Dans le Zoom, F. Deschamps explique comment on a mesuré l’âge du Système solaire. Dans La question du mois M.-C. Paskoff (SAF) explique « pourquoi certains astres sont sphériques et d’autres non ». D. Briot et R. Courtin (OP) présentent leurs conférences en prison.
Dans O&T, L. Boissel (SAF) présente une méthode novatrice, LUNAE-Volc, permettant de déterminer la nature et la datation des éruptions volcaniques. A. Salez (SAF) présente l’éclipse de Soleil du 29 mars 2025. Dans la rubrique Observer le ciel G. Sautot (Science et culture en Picardie) invite à observer la galaxie NGC 3190 et E. Evrard (SAF) la lumière zodiacale. M. Khatchadourian (SAF) présente la lunette Askar SQA 85.
Pour vous informer sur le numéro en cours et les numéros précédents, vous abonner, ou abonner votre laboratoire, voir

Transmis par Nicole Mein

Pour faire passer vos messages, envoyez un mail au secrétariat SF2A ( avant le vendredi 18h pour une diffusion le lundi après-midi suivant.


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