26-30 juin 2006
Online material
Contributions by sessions :
Common session
Implementation Strategy for the ESA Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 programme PDF
Fundamental astronomy
The ILIADE project:
telemetry with nanometer precision for formation flight
with femtosecond laser
OCA/GEMINI-GRGS becoming an official ILRS analysis center
Matter waves : a new tool for the detection of Gravitational Waves ?
Review of analytical studies of relative motions in flight formations
The IVS team at the Paris Observatory: how are we doing?
The Earth’s nutation: observational and geophysical issues
The winter dance of the Earth’s pole
Radio-optical realizations of celestial reference frames
Pioneer Anomaly and Space Accelerometer for Gravity Test
Asteroid mass determination with the Gaia mission
De Haerdtl inequality: an inequality of great dynamical interest in the Galilean system
Time Transfer by Laser Link The T2L2 Experiment on Jason-2
Reference systems
The Bordeaux Observatory IVS Analysis Center PDF
Astronomy, space geodesy and fundamental physics experiments in space : present status and projects PDF
About relativistic close approaches between Jupiter and quasars in the perspective of the GAIA mission PDF
PSF Reconstruction for NAOS-CONICA PDF
The European ELT: status report PDF
High dynamic solar radio images by combining visibilities from the Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope ($GMRT$) and the Nancay Radioheliograph ($NRH$) PDF
Action Spécifique Haute Résolution Angulaire PDF
Aladin, a portal for the Virtual Observatory PDF
Turning Besançon Observatory on-line facilities into the VO – Galactic Model Simulation, Binary Star, and TNO databases PDF
Definition and Implementation of VO standards for the access of atomic and molecular linelists PDF
The LASCO-ARTEMIS Catalog links to the virtual Observatory using SiTools PDF
Mosaicing large images for the Virtual Observatory PDF
Latest VO developments at Paris VO Data Center PDF
Automatic access to BASECOL database and scientific applications PDF
Workflow Working Group in the frame of ASOV PDF
Solid bodies dynamics in accretion disks: numerical simulations as a tool to validate an analytical model PDF
A prescription for the softening length in flat disks PDF
Convergence Study of the Magnetorotational Instability in a Shearing Box With a Mean Field PDF
The coherence of kHz quasi-periodic oscillations in the X-rays from accreting neutron stars PDF
Ultra High Energy neutrinos with the Pierre Auger Observatory PDF
Hybrid modelization of the high-energy broad-band spectra of Cygnus X-1 observed by INTEGRAL PDF
Observation of the microquasar LS 5039 with H.E.S.S. PDF
An ubiquitous hybrid origin for the high energy emission of\newline X-ray Binaries and Active Galactic Nuclei ? PDF
Gamma-ray binaries, a new class of very high energy sources PDF
GRB 050904 as seen by SWIFT and TAROT PDF
The HESS Galactic Center source and Galactic plane diffuse emission PDF
Swift GRB 060105: do we see the emergence of a jet cocoon in a very bright burst? PDF
A database of pressure equilibrium models with the TITAN code PDF
A. C. Goncalves
Ultra Luminous X-ray sources: disc models and alternative scenarios
TITAN: a transfer-photoionisation code for hot, thick media PDF
The Magnetoviscous-Thermal Instability in Dilute Magnetized Astrophysical Plasmas PDF
GRI: The Gamma-Ray Imager mission PDF
Jürgen Knödlseder, the GRI consortium
Relativistic hydro with
AMRVAC and simulation of ultra-relativistic dynamics
Search for a Dark Matter annihilation signal from the Galactic Center with H.E.S.S. PDF
Integrally monitoring GRS 1915+105 with simultaneous INTEGRAL, RXTE, Ryle and Nançay observations PDF
Discovery of Very High Energy gamma-ray emission from the distant BL Lac object H2356-309 with the H.E.S.S. Cherenkov Telescopes PDF
Multi-wavelength pulsars study : Long-term timing of XMM, HESS and GLAST sources with the Nancay radiotelescope PDF
G. Theureau, I. Cognard, D. Smith, N. Webb, Y. Gallant
A potentially stabilizing magnetic effect in astrophysical jets PDF
M. Viallet, H. Baty
The Pierre Auger Observatory: Status and recent results
Serguei Vorobiov (for the Pierre Auger Collaboration)
Observations of the faint X-ray sources in Galactic globular clusters using XMM-Newton PDF
N.A. Webb, M. Servillat, D. Barret
New Clues to the Origin of Galactic Positrons PDF
G. Weidenspointner, P. Jean, J. Knödelseder, G. Skinner, P. von Ballmoos, J.P. Roques, G. Vedrenne, P. Milne, B.J. Teegarden, R. Diehl, A. Strong, S. Schanne, B. Cordier, Ch. Winkler
Analysis of the emission of very small dust particles from Spitzer-IRS observations, using blind signal separation methods PDF
Aromatic emission from the ionised mane of the Horsehead nebula PDF
M. Compiègne, A. Abergel, L. Verstraete, W. T. Reach, E. Habart, F. Boulanger, C. Joblin
Rotational excitation of CS and SiO by collisions with Helium
Low Sulfur Depletion in Photodissociation Regions PDF
J. R. Goicoechea, J. Pety, M. Gerin, D. Teyssier, E. Roueff, P. Hily-Blant
Characterization of the IRAS22129+7000 protostar and associated molecular
outflow in B175 (=L1219)
Radiation hydrodynamics simulations of jets – ISM interactions PDF
Small-scale dissipative structures of the diffuse ISM: CO diagnostics PDF
Rotational excitation of sulfur monoxide by collisions with Helium at low temperature PDF
Benchmarking PDR models against the Horsehead edge PDF
Optimization of source extraction & galaxy luminosity function of the cluster of galaxies Abell 85 PDF
Accelerated-like expansion: inhomogeneities versus dark energy PDF
The BRAIN project:looking for $B$-mode from Dome-C PDF
CFHT Legacy Survey (CFHTLS) : a rich data set PDF
J. Schneider
Weak lensing survey of galaxy clusters in the CFHTLS Deep
Relativistic astrometry and Synge’s world function PDF
The mean absorption due to the Ly$\alpha$ forest in the spectra of high redshift highly luminous quasars PDF
The role of mass in the evolution of galaxies: the downsizing effect PDF
The Herschel galaxy reference survey PDF
The local universe as seen in FIR and in FUV PDF
The CFHTLS Strong Lensing Legacy Survey PDF
The Coma cluster revisited PDF
Determining the evolutionary history of galaxies by astrocladistics : some results on close galaxies. PDF
$\alpha$-abundance in the Milky Way’s thin and thick disks : automated determination of T$\_{eff}$, logg, [F{\scriptsize e}/H] and [$\alpha$/F{\scriptsize e}] PDF
Morphology of $z\sim1$ galaxies from deep K-band AO imaging PDF
Color distribution of galaxies in the CFHTLS-Deep fields PDF
The evolution of the mass-metallicity relation up to z$\approx$0.9 from the VIMOS/VLT Deep Survey PDF
Cold molecular filaments around the cooling flows galaxy NGC1275
Giant planet formation models: the case of HD69830 PDF
Spitzer observations of circumstellar disks PDF
Astrometric reduction of the Mars Exploration Rover night-time observations PDF
The spatial distribution of molecular species observed in comet Hale Bopp with the Plateau de Bure Interferometer PDF
New approach to the search for companions to extrasolar planets PDF
J. Cabrera, J. Schneider
Observations of comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 with the Nançay radio
Radio Observations Of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 Before And After \textit{Deep Impact PDF
Planet detection around M dwarfs: new constraints on planet formation models PDF
Liquid water on an extrasolar planet? PDF
Jovian Active Longitudes and Io-Controlled Decameter Radio Emissions PDF
Jovian seismology: preliminary results of the SYMPA instrument PDF
A new mechanism of stability highlighted by the recent planetary system HD\,73526 PDF
Imaging polarimetry of the dust coma of the Deep Impact target: Comet Tempel 1 PDF
The New SOPHIE Exoplanets Consortium: Search and Characterization in the Northern Hemisphere PDF
New models of abundance stratifications in the atmospheres of magnetic Ap stars PDF
MHD simulations of the magnetic coupling between a young star and its accretion disk PDF
Magnetic instabilities in stellar radiation zones PDF
Line formation in 3D radiation hydrodynamics simulations of red supergiants PDF
GAIA: present status and preparation of data analysis PDF
Probing Milky Way’s Brown Dwarfs using CFHTLS PDF
A large flaring disk around HD97048 PDF
Modelling and laboratory experiments of astrophysical radiative shocks PDF
Interferometric study of Betelgeuse in H band PDF
Rising flux tubes in a spherical convective shell PDF
Numerical simulation of MRI: towards a systematic characterization of turbulent transport in accretion disks. PDF
Wave chaos in rapidly rotating stars PDF
Be stars in open clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud. PDF
Massive stars in the central parsec of the Galaxy PDF
Tidal effects in extrasolar planetary systems PDF
Dynamical processes in stellar radiation zones: secular magnetohydrodynamics of rotating stars PDF
Spectro-polarimetry at Telescope B. Lyot PDF
Multi-wavelength modeling of protoplanetary disks PDF
Modeling rapidly rotating stars PDF
New results from the VLTI on massive hot stars: First direct detection of a Keplerian disk around $\alpha$ Arae PDF
AMBER/VLTI spectroscopy of young stars : a disk-wind around the Herbig Ae star HD104237h PDF
Hydrodynamic simulations of irradiated secondary stars in dwarf novae PDF
AGB circumstellar environments probed through the 21 cm atomic
hydrogen line emission. A programme for the SKA ?
E. Gérard, T. Le Bertre
Data collection and mining in Solar Physics PDF
Excitation of solar \em{p} modes. Effect of the asymmetry of the convection zone
Development of anisotropy in MHD turbulence PDF
Heating of the solar corona PDF
Particle acceleration in solar flare: Linking between the magnetic energy release and acceleration process PDF
Magnetic fluctuation spectrum in the inner solar wind PDF
The THEMIS solar telescope in 2006: situation and perspectives PDF
Time-dependent simulations of solar wind including the transition region PDF
Preliminary results from the March 29, 2006 total eclipse observations in Egypt PDF
Plasma diagnostic of a solar prominence from hydrogen and helium resonance lines PDF
Helioseismic measurements of solar radius changes from SOHO/MDI PDF
BASS2000: on-going projects and results PDF
Analysis of broad-band H$\alpha$ coronagraphic observations PDF
A new concept for magnetic reconnection : slip-running reconnection PDF
E. Pariat, G. Aulanier, P. Démoulin
New perspectives on prominences as observed by SOHO/SUMER
B. Schmieder, J.-C. Vial, P. Heinzel
Magnetic Sources of flares and CMEs in October 2003
PNP/PNPS/PCMI Common session
On the impact of disk gravity on planetary migration PDF
Cavity formation in protoplanetary disks PDF
Silicate dust: from observations to the laboratory PDF
Z. Djouadi, C. Davoisne, L. d’Hendecourt, H. Leroux, A. Jones
Planet migration in magnetised disks
Gaseous component in the circumstellar environment of Herbig Ae/Be stars PDF
C. Martin-Zaïdi, M. Deleuil, M., J.-C. Bouret, C. Doucet, P.-O. Lagage, E. Pantin